Thursday, August 9, 2007

'I Bask In The Love Of Jesus'

I bask in the love of Jesus,
In it I find my rest.
With it all trouble ceases,
Through it I know I'm blessed.
I know He's my Friend, my Savior,
My guiding Star at night.
He is the one I savor,
With Him, I have no fright.

I know that He loves me truly,
In that I am assured.
Even though I get unruly,
I'll always trust His Word.
He stays by my side forever,
I have no need to fear.
He will forsake me never,
He loves me oh so dear.

If there is one thing that I know,
It's that He loves you too.
Blessings to you He will show
To guide you safely through.
Just ask that He enter your heart
And stay eternally!
Grace and mercy He'll impart
Always for you and me!

Jan Bagwell 08/09/07