Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Your Light Divine

Your Light Divine

Awake my soul, and with God’s Son
Shake off all my sin and arise.
By His Grace my life’s race is run;
Because of Your pure sacrifice.

Your influence of Light Divine
Reflects Heaven’s propitious ways.
Light Your Light to forever shine
Our ardent love and cheerful praise.

I wake and lift my joyful heart
To You I unwearied will sing,
While Your angels sing their own part
High praises to our Lord and King.

All praise to You; my safety’s kept;
Then when from death I shall awake;
Refreshed from chaos while I slept
So Your endless Light I’ll partake.

Lord, Heaven’s wherever You are;
Apart from You is hell to me.
Dear Lord, never from me depart;
Even one moment gone from Thee.

Direct, control, and guide my way;
Take all my sins with all their might;
That all I design, do, or say
In Your sole glory I’ll unite.

If I do not wake or rise again;
And You are not there to be enjoyed;
Heaven, itself, would I distain
And all hymns would not be employed.