Tuesday, January 21, 2020

At the Sound of His Roar

At the Sound of His Roar

Currently we occupy
The Enemy's domain
His subtle snares encircle us
His weapons-- lies and shame

As ruler of this present world
He hinders and destroys
And if we can't see past his form
We'll know not peace or joy

We must fix our gaze on Him
Who waits in heavenly wings
Who covertly emboldens us
Who love and guidance brings

So please pay close attention to
The King behind the curtain
Although it often seems in doubt
His victory is certain

He'll return to conquer all
To vanquish every foe
And then He'll take his rightful place
Upon the eternal throne

So take hope in the skirmishes
The war's already won
And one bright day we'll set our eyes
Upon our Lion and Sun