Monday, May 4, 2020

No Storm Is Too Great

No Storm Is Too Great

No storm is too great that our God cannot still
No trial too painful all men cannot bear
No path to walk in where He does not will
No faith is alive without labour in prayer

No task is impossible God cannot do
No work He began He will not complete
No word He has spoken will never be true
No power will live on He cannot defeat

No wisdom of God that He hides man can know
No knowledge of God not revealed can be told
No grace without truth He on man shall bestow
No deed of true courage without making man bold

No strength will bear testing without His own strength
No ability given He does not employ
No patience the longer exceeds His own length
No suffering will be without His promised joy

No love will be greater than His deep compassion
No tenderness sweeter than His wide embrace
No praising without heart finds truest expression
No candle lit shines forth when God hides His face

No promise but God’s presence is our delight
No assurance is deeper in times of such need
No doubting shall shadow our unclouded sight
No darkness prevails against His chosen seed

No hope can be found unless God will impart
No pain we endure He never will feel
No trouble we meet does not touch Him at heart
No comfort He gives is more soothing and real

No tear that is shed for God He will not treasure
No labour of love for Him He shall not see
No heart can serve Him but for His sole pleasure
No service more precious than Him rendered be

No heaven can be should our God be not there
No glory is greater than His is alone
No salvation is given His cross does not bear
No journey to paradise He has not gone

No mercy is shown our God did not create
No goodness is done He did not inspire
No justice upheld without evil to hate
No judgment to pass but with testing of fire

No war shall be won without God at the helm
No battle finds vict’ry that He did not give
No gift of peace but His dominion and realm
No kingdom established where no men believe