Sunday, May 3, 2020

My Secret Mountain

My Secret Mountain

There is a secret mountain in a recess of my mind;
A place that no one would believe and no one else could find --
A godlike and transcendent place that no one else can see,
Or even try to comprehend -- no one, not even me.

For reasons that are absolutely unbeknownst to me
I'm able to transport myself where no one else can be.
I don't know how, or why this gift has found its way to me
I only know that this is real and in this place I'm free --

I'm free to savor air which is ethereal and pure;
Which seems to cleanse my very soul; of this I'm amply sure:
When I am on this holy mountain I become transformed;
And feel the presence of my God who caused me to be formed.

The hills are undulating, lush with flowered plants and trees;
The bubbling brooks are sparkling bright and ripple in the breeze.
A thousand birds on every hill take flight, as if on cue
Displaying, flaunting brilliant plumes of every shade and hue.

The animals indwelling on this sacred mountainside
All live at peace, their inner calm reflecting they abide
Together, in a common bond as in a family,
Fulfilling God's omniscient plan from all eternity.

I think my God's divulged to me a glimpse of His design
For all the world to live with Him at peace with a benign
And joyful acquiescence to His will that we may be
Engulfed in love, embraced by Him for all eternity!