Wednesday, April 8, 2020

You chose to climb the hill and not turn back

You chose to climb the hill and not turn back

'Father, not My will, but Yours be done,' You said
then climbed the hill to the cross Your blood to shed.
There You chose to bear my pain and wear my shame
even though You were innocent and not to blame.

A load much heavier than the cross You bore,
piercing deeper than the crown of thorns You wore.
You were smitten of God and forsaken too
when my sin came between the Father and You.

There lash by lash the price for each sin You paid
as all my guilt and shame upon You was laid.
Then, 'It is finished,' in victory You cried
as You bowed Your head upon the cross and died.

Deep waves of love and mercy flowed from the cross,
and Your blood was poured out my sins to wash.
They're now gone as far as the East is from the West
and I stand forgiven and forever blessed.

Because You hung there, Lord Jesus, in my stead.
Because Your blood upon the altar was shed.
Because of You, Lord Jesus, I now go free.
Because You chose the road to Calvary.