Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My God this Night

My God this Night

All praise to you my God this night;
Beneath Your own wings;
For all your blessings of Your Light;
Until I live with You my King.

Forgive me God for Your dear Son:
The world, the Pharisees, and me;
The ills that I have this day have done,
You bled for me so Your peace may be.

Teach me to live, my Exalted Head!
Teach me to die so I may lay
In my grave as little as my bed;
Rising at the Judgement day.

When in the night I sleeplessly lie;
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest;
Nor, my soul with fearsome thoughts supply;
Nor, powers of darkness will molest.

Oh when shall I, in endless days,
With hymns divine with angels sing
Forever chase dark sleep away
While praising You Eternal King?