Sunday, February 2, 2020

Placing My Trust in God Today

Placing My Trust in God Today

I place my trust in God today;
So, when uncertainties arise,
I know it’s He who knows the Way.
I trust His judgment, true, and wise.

I’ll place my trust in God today.
He’ll lead me with His strong Hand;
Even when I can’t see the Way
Until I reach the Promised Land.

I place my trust in God today;
Being led by His guidance, safe, and sure;
Alone I could not find my way;
Now, I can rest in peace, secure.

I have placed my trust in God each day;
Nothing has overwhelmed me there.
I’m committed, yielded to His Ways;
I’m there beneath His eternal care.

I’ll place my trust in God each day;
Each burden, God will help me bear;
And, while I walk the narrow way.

I place my trust in God today;
Led by His Hand, I will not fear;
Even though the skies are gray;
I know that God is always near.