Friday, February 7, 2020

By Grace I am Saved

By Grace I am Saved

Grace Alone
By God’s Grace alone I am saved by Thee;
A grace that is always free and boundless.
Someday, by grace, there’ll be a crown for me;
So, there’s no reason to fear what’s groundless.

By Your Death, You redeem my sinful lot.
By Your Laws, all my works are rejected.
All claims of merit, they’re as good as rot;
By You, Mighty Savior, long expected.

It pleases You to give me Sabbath rest.
Your Gift to me brings a new beginning;
Even when sin’s sorrows roll through my breast;
And the Devil’s threats seem overwhelming.

By Your Blood, deliverance is now wrought.
By grace, God’s Son was on Earth appearing;
It was for my welfare that You have sought.
Before You came, my heart was all fearing.

It’s grace, free grace, through the Begotten Son;
By grace, You have paid for my salvation.
That is all my faith needs to rest upon -
Your Words that were penned by inspiration.

With sins, God’s grace would be losing, it seems.
By Laws, I have heard and lived my sentence.
By Your glory, mercy, and love that beams;
Always causing God-driven repentance.

But then, someday, through strong faith I’ll obtain;
Through all fierce conflicts and bitter anguish.
Yet, by Your anchor, I will still remain.
By grace, no more need for my heart to languish.

My heart’s part of this fierce spiritual race;
Even by grace, when my death has found me;
I’ll know how my soul was saved by Your grace;
And there is nothing more to oppress me.

Always certain, whether its’ felt or not;
By grace, even Satan can see it.
I’ll always share whatever You have taught;
So, the Flag of Faith now I can share it.