Friday, January 3, 2020

Under The Bridge

Under The Bridge

Beneath the overpass near the city
A well beaten path led the way
To the abode of the homeless
They migrated there at the end of day

Cardboard boxes and ragged blankets
Were found at the end of the trail
Empty bottles and food wrappers
Gave insight, to a little more detail

Societies recluse, or a forgotten veteran?
What led to their plight,- God only knows
Do many people know they are here
Malnourished, in their shabby clothes

Were they a victim of circumstances
Or did they just not apply themselves
Could this have been you or I
A question, we might ask ourselves

In reality we all were homeless
Since the fall from Adam's race
A vagabond and a cast-a-way
We were at the mercy of God's grace

We find that Jesus mentioned beggers
In a physical and spiritual sense
Lazarus was a prime example
Beside the gate, some took offence

Some may not acknowledge Isaiah 64:6
But it is there, and applies to all
"All we like sheep have gone astray"
It's been that way since Adam's fall

The purpose of Christ on Calvary's cross
Is to redeem us from our plight
From rags-to-riches, He can deliver
From under the bridge, - at midnight