Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Doing Our Best This Year

Doing Our Best This Year

At the beginning of a new year,
Sometimes we tend to look back.
We think about our failures
And times we got "off track."

Some New Year's resolutions,
We think that we need to make.
We see the need to do better,
So some inventory, we take.

As Christians, we ask ourselves,
"Am I giving my best to God?
Am I serving Him all I can
As upon this earth I trod?"

Yes, we need to always resolve
To serve our God more and more,
We strive to serve Him better
Than we did the year before.

We know we are only human,
But for us, God's best He gave
When He sent His son to die
For our sinful souls to save.

This year we need to strive
To do our very best for Christ.
He gave His life to save us.
As a lamb, He was sacrificed.