Wednesday, July 10, 2019

With God there is always hope

With God there is always hope

Does God only love us when we are close to Him
and turn His back on us when we are lost in sin?
Does He hate us every time that we drift away
and only stay by us when we’re faithful and pray?

Does He not hear the faint sound of falling tears
from the eyes of those who have been away for years?
Did He not run out to meet the Prodigal Son
enfolding him in His arms as His beloved one?

Although we may feel all lost and so far away
there is never a moment during night or day
when God is not standing near with arms opened wide
ready and willing to take us back to His side.

There is always hope so do not despair,
our God is love and is forever there.
Opening heaven’s gate to let us in; 
waiting for His child to come back to Him.