Monday, July 8, 2019

The Flower of Grace

The Flower of Grace

Grace is a flower that I love to smell,
Because of its power I am not in hell,
Upon its rich fragrance I love to dwell,
I cannot get too much of grace. 

I hold this dear flower, its beauty so great,
It has a sweet savor that does not abate, 
Its manifold colors are rich to this date, 
I love to learn more about grace. 

The pedals are lovely, sparkling with dew,
All shades of glory, and more than a few, 
So many blessings to my soul accrue, 
Just fixing my heart upon grace. 

Grace in the morning, in the afternoon, 
It is never too late, it is never too soon, 
To take up the flower and enjoy its boon, 
And have my heart blessed by this grace. 

I hold to it dearly, yes my grip is tight, 
I pull it closely with never a fright, 
No thorns to prick me my blessings to blight, 
I never shall grow tired of grace. 

So come to the garden (the Bible) with speed, 
You will find grace flowers and plenty of seed, 
They grow all around you when Scripture you read, 
You too can be filled by His grace.