Monday, May 27, 2019

A Memorial Day Prayer

A Memorial Day Prayer

Dear God, today is Memorial Day
Down here on earth below.
I thank You for these heroes.
To them, honor I will show.

In this grave lies Uncle Bill
He died in World War Two.
I know it's been a while, Lord.
He's been up there with You.

He may not see these flowers
I place upon his grave,
But it is my way to remember,
For his country his life he gave.

This sea of many white crosses,
God, they bring tears to my eyes.
Under each one of the crosses,
A fallen hero's body lies.

Many of these men are with You.
Lord, I'll remember the women too.
They fought and died for our nation.
Dear God, they are heroes true.

Lord, I honor these fallen sons.
Some are even my own kin.
Thanks for sending Your Son for me.
I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.