Monday, May 27, 2019

Be No More Sad

Be No More Sad

Yes any time or any place, 
We can approach the throne of grace. 
We can unload a world of care, 
And seek the face of God in prayer. 

For everywhere our God is near, 
A word  a whisper " He can hear. 
What’s more our thoughts all rise before, 
The throne of Him whom we adore. 

Nor does our sin forbid access, 
Or hinder God " our souls to bless;
For Christ our righteousness prevails, 
His mediation never fails. 

By faith draw nigh " pour out your soul, 
And all your cares upon Him roll. 
Then rise up saints " no more be sad
For God can make His children glad: 
Yes God has made His children glad.