Sunday, April 7, 2019

He’s Risen Victorious

He’s Risen Victorious

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
Seated now at God’s right hand

The angels are curious 
Satan is furious
At His redemptive plan

Of Jesus Christ I sing
Prophet, High Priest, and King
He’s given me everything

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
My praise to Him I bring

He’s risen victorious 
He’s all glorious
From the rooftop I’ll proclaim

Of God the Great I AM
Who once became a man
The Seed of Abraham

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
What else is there to say

I come now through His Blood
It cleanses like a flood
There is no other way

Through all ages
I will sing His praises
I gladly bow my knee

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
He means the world to me