Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jesus Is Alive Forever More

Jesus Is Alive Forever More

They crucified Jesus, our Savior
On a cross on Mount Calvary.
He shed His blood for our sins.
He died for you, and He died for me.

They laid Him in a borrowed tomb
And rolled a stone upon the door.
They thought, "That's the end of Him,
We will hear from Him no more."

Three days later in the morning
Near the breaking of that day,
Some loved ones visited His grave,
And the great stone was rolled away.

Behold! They found an empty tomb.
Where had they taken Jesus so dear?
The angels announced to them,
"He is risen! Jesus is not here!"

Praise God! Our Savior arose!
Yes, He is alive forever more!
If you've never accepted Him,
He's knocking at your heart's door.