Friday, March 29, 2019

The Judas Way

The Judas Way

For many miles I walked alongside Him
but the things that He said I could not take in.
Too indifferent to follow or obey,
though so close to Him I drifted away.

“How much is it worth?” to the priests I said.
“Just how much will you pay to see Him dead?”
Thirty pieces of silver. The deal was done.
Thirty pieces of silver to kill God’s Son.

The price was agreed and the money paid.
Off I went for there were plans to be made.
Then the time came, it was too good to miss,
and there in the garden I gave Him a kiss.

The deed done, I watched them take Him away
thirty silver pieces richer that day.
Then guilt and fear flooded into my mind
His blood was on me. No peace could I find

What have I done to the Lord Jesus Christ?
Because of my greed He’d be sacrificed.
Such remorse and guilt is too much for me
I will go and hang myself from a tree.
Psalm 20:7
King James Version

"Some trust in chariots, and some in
horses: but we will remember the name of
the Lord our God."