Monday, March 25, 2019

No Condemnation

No Condemnation

I came to Christ, I know I'm saved
There is no condemnation
To sin I am no more enslaved
Grace is my preservation

Sin’s punishment has been removed
By Christ’s great substitution
I trust the Son, God is behooved 
To grant me absolution

Sin’s power too was dealt a blow 
Its hold on me diminished
For Christ in me is strong I know 
By Him I am replenished

Sin’s presence, an unwelcome guest 
Perfection not yet rendered
Yet in His promise I can rest 
Though still by sin I’m hindered 

What blessed freedom I possess 
In Christ my holy Savior 
To heaven I have gained access 
By His perfect behavior

You too can come and rest in Him 
Escape the great infernal 
When earthly treasures have grown dim 
You’ll find His love eternal.