Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Names of God

The Names of God

JEHOVAH JIREH, this His ancient fame, 
THE LORD WHO SEES, the truth is in His name. 
What a comfort in trouble we confess, 
He knows us in the midst of our distress. 

JEHOVAH NISSI, to our senses strange, 
THE LORD OUR BANNER, He will never change. 
This, our God, upon Him we can rest, 
We wear His name upon our battle crest.

JEHOVAH SHALOM, this is our God in truth, 
THE LORD OUR PEACE, in old age as in youth. 
Our minds composed, He keeps forevermore, 
Though roaring waves are crashing on the shore. 

JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, though lonely our hearts feel, 
THE LORD IS THERE, more cogent and more real;
Than all the shadows of this passing life, 
He will uphold us in the days of strife. 

JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, within no good is found. 
THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS provides the ground, 
That pardon and right standing we can find, 
And to His glorious heaven be consigned. 

JEHOVAH RAAH, our heart to hope can wed, 
THE LORD OUR SHEPHERD, by Him we are led. 
The shining countenance of His blessed face, 
Showers us with worlds of wondrous grace. 

JEHOVAH RAPHA, every saint can know, 
THE GOD THAT HEALS, and sanctifies the soul. 
His arms of love stretch round us and secure, 
For every aching wound He is the cure.