Sunday, August 4, 2019



What ever happened to absolute truth
It seems that today it’s become so uncouth
If anyone says this is right or it’s wrong
A tolerance protestor will come along

They claim we’re invaders of their own right
The laws of God they just simply rewrite
They think that the Judge of the earth is asleep
And the things that He said we’re not really to keep

But all of us who are really in tune
We know all He spoke is as sure as the moon
We know that each word that He gave was conclusive
But to carnal man it will sound so elusive

Truth has a way to set everything straight
When applied it will quickly end a debate
A lie will put you in a bind awfully
But the truth is the key to set you free

So when in the Spirit God gives you a word
And it’s something that’s not very commonly heard
Don’t buckle your knees and to peer pressure bend
But stand for the truth and you’ll stand in the end
Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in Thy
holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and
speaketh the truth in his heart. ~Psalm 15:1,2