Thursday, March 14, 2019

Triumph Over Trouble

Triumph Over Trouble

Okay trouble, I can see you're headed my way,
I'll be needing some help to shorten your stay.
You have come by a number of times before,
finding an unwelcome sign posted on my door,
You are tough to recognize with so many faces,
lurking everywhere, even in church of all places.

You can pack a punch, knocking me off my feet,
if not avoided, I can find myself on the hot seat.
Sometimes coming from an unexpected source,
then not leaving until I have felt your full force.
With my brain asleep, costly mistakes are made,
causing any solution to my problem be delayed.

Troubles depress, yet bring things we don't see,
if not for them, how close to God would we be?
For often times He is called upon to bail us out,
perhaps making this relationship, firm and stout.
Then knowing where to go before trouble arrives,
gives greater trust in God with peace in our lives.

So whenever trouble comes and no doubt it will,
I say this, do not seek help in a bottle or in a pill.
For they are helpless. only causing them to grow,
then continue to follow on wherever you will go.
Keep faith growing in God, He'll keep you strong,
saying, get behind me Satan as one comes along.