Friday, March 15, 2019

The Work of Love

The Work of Love

My God and Saviour Thee I love
Beyond all things beneath above
The fairest besides all things fair
The sweeter than sweet words of prayer

If loving Thee I shall not cease
If loving Thee my pain could ease
Where in love shall be my rest?
Or find my comfort at Thy breast?

Thy love for me a solace is mine
Thy love in me a hunger divine
The holy longing to long for more
The fervent desire to Thee adore

All loving in Thee must first arise 
My heart cannot in faintest tries
Love Thee from whom all love began
Or love the way I must and can 

Then do Thy work within my heart
In love for Thee I set apart 
Thy Lordship as the Christ in me
While I in love abide in Thee

Make my love for Thee grow deep 
This love for Thee in me I keep
Let me not weary to tarry so near
For heaven's gates shall soon appear 

O longing of longings in Thee alone
My pains of heart forever begone
For when Thy face at last I see
Is joy with no end to satisfy me
Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. I Peter 5:7