Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Live With No Regrets

Live With No Regrets

"I will never forgive you,"
Are words that can break the heart,
Can sow seeds of bitterness,
And tear each other apart.

The unkind acts that we do,
And hurtful words that we say;
Will end the best of friendships,
If not resolved right away.

On the cross at Calvary,
Christ spoke to His Father above.
He said, "Father, forgive them."
What unconditional love!

When we are asked to forgive,
May we show God's love and mercy.
"I forgive you", deeply meant,
Brings healing for you and me.

If we forgive our debtors,
God will forgive us our debts.
When we do as God commands,
We will live with no regrets.