Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thanks To All Our Veterans

Thanks To All Our Veterans

Many veterans have served our nation
On the land, in the air, and on sea.
They served overseas in foreign lands
And at home in the land of the free.

My thanks to all our dear veterans
For serving our dear country so well.
Many of you served us in harm's way,
Experiencing horrors too hard to tell.

Some were tortured in prison camps
And endured pain so difficult to bear,
And your horrible memories linger on,
Even though you are no longer there.

Honor is due to all our dear veterans
Who made so many sacrifices in life
To serve on various foreign bases
Leaving behind kids, husband, or wife.

Let us display Old Glory proudly
As we observe this national holiday,
For surely veterans are due our honor,
And for our nation, let us pray.