Tuesday, October 16, 2018

God is All Sufficient

God is All Sufficient

I have prayed but God is all sufficient

I have cried but God is the tears
That leak from my eye
That roll down my cheek
That rain on my soul
That water its soil
That has become so weak.

I have wept but God is the groans
That well up in my heart
That echo off its walls
That awaken my soul
That make me aware
Of His everlasting call

I have prayed but God is the answer
To all I have requested
To all I have pleaded
To all I have asked
For everyone I love 
And all that is needed

I have knelt but God stands 
He stands in the void
He stands in the balance
He stands over me
Even in death
Which is to His radiance

I have grieved but God is the pain
That aches for His love
That weeps at its loss
That acknowledges its sin
That provided the Savior
That overcomes all its cost

I have prayed and God is all sufficient
Romans 8:26