Thursday, December 27, 2018

Through God's Grace

Through God's Grace

Sometimes life can feel like too much to bear,
All of the troubles have left you feeling worn,
The hurt, pain and sorrow have left your heart torn,
Wherever you look no one seems to care,

When your mind is troubled by doubts and fears,
And against life’s tests you feel helpless and weak, 
When the future’s uncertain and all seems bleak.
And each new day only brings more tears,

Although this life’s not meant to be easy,
Just know that God cares for your every need,
He lovingly calls you to follow his lead,
To trust him with the things you cannot see,

So lift all your cares to God, pray, ask, seek,
There’s nothing for God too small, nothing too tough,
For getting through each day, his grace is enough,
He will keep you going when you feel weak.
Job 38:6-7; Matthew 11:29; Luke 24:7; John 14:27