Friday, December 28, 2018



I used to follow my heart 
To give me the right start
And discovered how deceitful my little heart can be
For I surely followed it down some paths God didn't mean for me

The Holy Spirit lives deep within my heart
And my old sinful nature works to keep us a part
The heart plays on my sympathy and flaunts all my desires
It can be quite convincing and a masterful liar

A battle of good and evil ensues right within my body
At times in my life it has stirred up quite a quandary
The heart can tell me all the things I want to hear
And most of the time I must admit it sounds quite sincere

It isn't to say that my heart is never ever right
But every decision must be made through God forthright
Your heart can be a very loving insightful creature
And with the guidance from Christ can be quite a teacher

But now instead of following my heart
I follow God's lead from the very start
Then my heart will follow along with me
And we stay the path God meant us to be!