Sunday, November 18, 2018

My first day Heaven

As I stood there waiting by the gates of Heaven,
I was greeted by family members and old friends
We stood there for hours trying to get reacquainted,
As they all came to welcome me in
I was completely overwhelmed by how beautiful Heaven is,
Everything here is done to perfection
And everyone here truly cares about each other,
There’s a whole lot of love and affection
See there is no hate, no pain, no suffering,
No illness, and there is no dying
No crime, no cheating, no bending the truth,
Cause in Heaven there is no lying
And I just want to say to my family back on earth,
Heaven truly is a much better place
There is no sin and there are no worries,
And you can talk to the LORD face to face
See up here, the LORD GOD is our beacon of light,
The sole source of all light up in Heaven
And I learned all of this when I walked through the gates,
On my very first day up in Heaven