Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Plate of Grace

A Plate of Grace

Come this Thanksgiving . . .
there will be no turkey with dressing
there will only be a plate of gratitude
served with God's many blessings.

As a substitute for candied yams,
we are going to feast on His kindness
and taste the sweetness of His favor
as we reflect on His loving guidance.

There will be no rolls and butter,
instead, we'll eat of the Bread of Life
and with gratitude we'll give our thanks
that we no longer live in hopeless strife.

In the place of creamy mashed potatoes,
there will be praise piled just as high
and we will sing to Him our adoration
instead of eating pumpkin pie.

The only beverage we will drink,
will be from the one True Vine
and with sanctification on our lips
Jesus' sacrifice will be as sweet as wine.

Come this Thanksgiving . . .
I'm not making a traditional dinner
I'll only be serving the grace of God . . .
to those I know ~ who are still a sinner!
2 Corinthians 12:9
King James Version

"And he said unto me, My grace is 
sufficient for thee: for my strength is 
made perfect in weakness. Most gladly 
therefore will I rather glory in my 
infirmities, that the power of Christ 
may rest upon me."