Friday, July 20, 2018

Silent, Vibrant and Beautiful

Silent, Vibrant and Beautiful

I went beyond to walk today
Into the wood to see
Then while dusk fell abroad I stayed,
As a sailor upon high sea.

Natures' being engulfs me round.
My God, likewise, feels close.
Though still, I hear my favorite sounds
He, to me doth disclose.

The rain that fell hath now abated...
So still after the storm.
Now is when nature is concentrated...
And easier, so, to learn.

A still, silent glade lies before,
Midst a motionless stand of timber.
So silent in whole and yet with noises in store,
All jagged with sunlight, from clouds growing thinner.

With shadows growing longer
And the sun sinking fast...
Natures’ grip doth grow yet stronger,
As I’ve found a field of grass.

Crouched-astride a rock, on-top a rise
By a field, on-side a mountain.
To watch in awe the brazen skies
And the valley, the tempest has stricken.

Sporadic sun-rays shine through the mist
Transforming to show a rainbow.
A wide realm of life seems so fresh-kissed
To the river-side farms below.

Billowing fog "from the river" rises.
Surroundings sparkle like a fountain.
All else seems vanity... God's beauty chastises! 
The works of man are "for now" forgotten.

So, to watch and o, to listen
Is why I have come.
To seek that which delivers
My mind that can’t succumb.

O, the silence! "thus the peace
Of our first habitation!
Vibrant!" yet, smoothed through grace
Is the beauty of creation!

So simple to behold.
So complex in design.
Quick to bless the soul.
And sure, to sooth the mind.

Good for inspiration.
A perfect spot for prayer!
Still sure midst confusion.
When were you last found there?

Tis God's own world, for his own pleasure.
And though parts now seem frightful,
Enter what He gave by measure,
For tis silent, tis vibrant, and beautiful!