Monday, July 16, 2018

From Here to There

From Here to There

From here to there, my Lord, is where
I wish that I would come
But nowhere near it would appear
Though far from where begun

This hunger now seems to somehow
Be never satisfied
Try as I might this appetite
For more has ever cried

How is it so, this gap will grow
As I am passing through
I round the bend to near the end
Behold a mountain new

We need the place where trusting grace
From God is where we rest
We need discern that what we learn
In gaps from God is best

God’s pleased with you when you pursue
When He’s what you desire
And there’s no price that would suffice
To stop you climbing higher

Now don’t lose heart because you start
Yet never seem to finish
You understand it is His plan
His love will not diminish

His work in us is finished thus
To whet the appetite
To hunger more for what’s in store
And re-adjust our sight

So do not tire for your desire
Shall surely soon be met
Before His throne when ushered home
Your hunger you’ll forget

God haste the day when we can say
My Lord I do declare
Your work begun is now all done
You’re faithful “here to there”