Wednesday, March 21, 2018

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

The World is darkened so by sin 
And I have done my part; 
So weak and selfish have I been, 
So hard has been my heart. 

At first when still in unbelief
I sinned with a high hand. 
And when in Christ I found relief, 
I failed to take a stand. 

But now as I look on my past, 
I’m filled with shame and fear. 
The days and years are flying fast, 
The end of all is near. 

I want my time spend on this earth, 
To be a force for good. 
To fill the purpose of new birth, 
I dearly wish I could. 

Though sin has left its nasty scars, 
And weakened what remains; 
Still God can break these prison bars, 
And wash away the stains. 

He can restore regretted years, 
He can renew a heart; 
He can still make the vision clear, 
And give me a new start. 

So help me Lord be circumspect, 
For good make my life count. 
Help me now  my course correct, 
And be thou paramount.
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold
that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto
praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ…
1 Peter 1:7