Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Little Light

A Little Light

I said if I could write a poem 
To touch a nation’s heart; 
My life would count for something then
I would have done my part. 

Or if a sermon that I preach 
Would set the world aflame; 
Perhaps I would have done something 
Worthwhile for Jesus’ name. 

I dreamed that I might write a book 
To edify the church; 
A classic of the Christian faith
Then that would end my search. 

But the poem was never written, 
The sermon never preached, 
My dream was never realized, 
My goals were never reached. 

And then one day I understood, 
It’s not what I have done, 
But how I’ve used the gifts I have, 
That matters to the Son. 

So if my work is never known, 
And offers little light 
Perhaps it’s pleasing to the one 
Who praised the widow’s mite.

“As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.”
Acts 9:3 NKJV