Monday, December 31, 2018

Doing Our Best This Year

Doing Our Best This Year

At the beginning of a new year,
Sometimes we tend to look back.
We think about our failures
And times we got "off track."

Some New Year's resolutions,
We think that we need to make.
We see the need to do better,
So some inventory, we take.

As Christians, we ask ourselves,
"Am I giving my best to God?
Am I serving Him all I can
As upon this earth I trod?"

Yes, we need to always resolve
To serve our God more and more,
We strive to serve Him better
Than we did the year before.

We know we are only human,
But for us, God's best He gave
When He sent His son to die
For our sinful souls to save.

This year we need to strive
To do our very best for Christ.
He gave His life to save us.
As a lamb, He was sacrificed.

Happy, Happy New Year

Happy, Happy New Year!

"Happy New Year!" we say to each
And everyone around.
We wish you all within our reach
God's blessings to abound.

A time to reflect, a time to plan~
Yes, another year is here.
We try to improve in all we can
To have a better year.

The resolutions that we make
Will help with goals to set.
Self-inventory that we take
Will help our goals get met.

May we in this year to come
Take time to serve our God.
May we, a blessing be to some
Poor soul who walks this sod.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Living For Christ This Year

Living For Christ This Year

In our older years,
Time passes by so fast.
Another year flew by.
Another year has passed.

Time just marches on,
And so do our lives.
Days and hours fly by,
And another year arrives.

God has brought me through
Bad times and good ones too.
He has led me all the way.
To Him, I will stand true.

Just a word of advice
To the lively younger set:
Live this year for Christ.
This you'll never regret!

If the Lord chooses for me
To live here another year,
I'll live my life for Him,
My Lord and Savior so dear!

Friday, December 28, 2018



I used to follow my heart 
To give me the right start
And discovered how deceitful my little heart can be
For I surely followed it down some paths God didn't mean for me

The Holy Spirit lives deep within my heart
And my old sinful nature works to keep us a part
The heart plays on my sympathy and flaunts all my desires
It can be quite convincing and a masterful liar

A battle of good and evil ensues right within my body
At times in my life it has stirred up quite a quandary
The heart can tell me all the things I want to hear
And most of the time I must admit it sounds quite sincere

It isn't to say that my heart is never ever right
But every decision must be made through God forthright
Your heart can be a very loving insightful creature
And with the guidance from Christ can be quite a teacher

But now instead of following my heart
I follow God's lead from the very start
Then my heart will follow along with me
And we stay the path God meant us to be!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Through God's Grace

Through God's Grace

Sometimes life can feel like too much to bear,
All of the troubles have left you feeling worn,
The hurt, pain and sorrow have left your heart torn,
Wherever you look no one seems to care,

When your mind is troubled by doubts and fears,
And against life’s tests you feel helpless and weak, 
When the future’s uncertain and all seems bleak.
And each new day only brings more tears,

Although this life’s not meant to be easy,
Just know that God cares for your every need,
He lovingly calls you to follow his lead,
To trust him with the things you cannot see,

So lift all your cares to God, pray, ask, seek,
There’s nothing for God too small, nothing too tough,
For getting through each day, his grace is enough,
He will keep you going when you feel weak.
Job 38:6-7; Matthew 11:29; Luke 24:7; John 14:27

Monday, December 24, 2018


They had a set of dishes
Given them when they wed ,
With luck and happiness and wishes
By loved ones ,who to them said
They wished they’d always be happy
As the moment when,”I will,”
Was said with so much rapture
That their hearts were standing still.
The dishes tell a lovely story
Of the lives they were to live _
How they shone in all their glory
When the very first forgive
Was whispered, and I love you truly ,
Which made things right again ,
For it was just as surely said ,
As sun comes after rain
Time as long since passed ,
Since they were first together ,
When he’d sit and ask her
If she loved him as no other –
And she was just content
With the answer in her heart ,
For she knew that it was meant
That they should never part ..
Although their lives had many scars
Like cracks upon the china ,
Their love outshone the mars ,
For it was only minor ,
If the one who’d done the wrong
Down in his heart had sorrow ,
For they never let the sun go down
Without a ,” Bright Tomorrow ,”
She’s an old lady now ,
And he is seventy-two ,
The cups and saucers wonder
What the other one will do ,
Until they both are able ,
To sit at God’s own perfect table ,
Be fed by His own hand
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I wrote this poem about twenty years ago , I had just lost my dad . My mother was morning herself to dealt . My family was at it lowest . I sat at my computer ,an begin praying for answers . This poem was the answer that was given to me . This help my mother get through it . My mother is 94 years old . A few years ago my brother died ,and again I cry out to My Lord . That when I start writing this blog . This has been God answer to me . It has been a blessing to me . So many times people email me or met me in person and has told me , that they were about to take their own life .And something I wrote change their minds . I guess what I trying to say is . That I pray before I write these poems ,or short stories not on my own but I believe God is giving them to me . He is saying to each and everyone of us ,I LOVE YOU and I know what you are going through .I am not a smart man or a great writer. I just love God with all my heart . If anyone need me just feel free to call on me . It another Christmas my mother died this year . Soon it will be my turn to meet my Jesus .
Posted by Jan Bagwellat 12:19 AM

' I'Ll Spend Christmas Alone ''

' I'Ll Spend Christmas Alone ''

As Christmas approaches I am filled with dread,
Though it's that time of cheer and goodwill,
I won't wait up I will just go to bed,
The very thought of it gives me a chill.

I'll get up in the morning do my usual routine,
With no presents or company to enjoy,
No friends or family no special cuisine,
Nor traditions that I need to employ.

If I died today nobody would know,
In fact there's no one would care,
We live in a world where material goods flow,
Looking after others is looked on as rare.

I've tried my best to make some friends,
But their lives are busy and fast,
Before you know it the relationship ends,
They've become another part of my past.

How I'd love someone to talk to today,
But I know that's a wish too far,
If they'd only say Hi my sadness they'd allay,
It's a feeling that is utterly bizarre.

We all need company it's a human trait,
We thrive on communication,
But the old and the lonely society tends to negate,
This in the main is a modern creation.

As I watch the children play on the street,
It brings memories of days gone by,
Where everyone spoke and my life felt complete,
The very thought of it still makes me cry.

If you know someone who could do with a talk,
Offer them the pleasure of your charms,
By offering assistance their mind you'll unlock,
They'll welcome you with wide opened arms.

Though my loneliness is prevalent throughout the year,
On this day it is more profound,
Cherished memories always bring on a tear,
My isolation I know it will compound.

I've always believed that dreams can come true,
But resentment for the lonely has grown,
My feelings of despair I will try to subdue,
As Once Again, 
‘' I'll Spend Christmas Alone ‘'
God is on my side

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Presents or Presence

Presents or Presence

Presents or presence surrounding the tree
Paper wrapped boxes or sweet thoughts of Thee?
Tinsel and garland with lights all a’glow 
Or hearts set on Jesus from where blessings flow? 

Clamorous shopping to get the best deal
Constant consumption consumers reveal
Emptiness stalking in each human heart
Searching for value in each shopping cart

Quiet and comfort that we can’t afford
Offered us freely from Jesus, the Lord
He who has granted us intrinsic worth
Godhead incarnate through a virgin birth

Seems now the focus of holiday cheer
Stuff we’re collecting as Christmas draws near
Never imagine these things could replace
Peace in God’s presence, the gift of His grace

Appreciate presents wrapped up with bows
Give thanks for the gifts that family bestows
Never forget the most important part
The presence of Jesus in each Christian heart

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Give the Gift of Jesus

Give the Gift of Jesus

This Christmas . . . 

I'm decorating my heart,
with the wrappings of His love.
Tying a ribbon around my soul,
with His blessings from above.

I going to avoid all the malls,
and stop not at a single store.
The only present I will give,
is the One that will restore.

I'm giving the gift of forgiveness,
sending cards about His grace.
I'm letting the glory of His birth,
beam across my thankful face.

I'm opening up my home,
for everyone to come and see.
The light of His beauty,
so to celebrate His birth with me.

I'm serving a dish of Christmas joy,
and offering up God's good cheer.
We will feast upon His holiness, 
and rejoice that our Savior's here.

I'm baking Him up a special cake,
singing to Him a birthday song.
And a slice of His love and mercy,
I'll give out for all to take along. 

I'm giving the offering of Jesus,
at naught at cost to me.
I'm sending out the message,
there is One gift that is truly free!

Christmas' True Meaning

Christmas' True Meaning

Let Christmas' true meaning,
rise up in you today . . .
may you see the real splendor
of Jesus' birth on this day.

May His beauty and grandeur,
cause your heart to sing
may the gift of His excellence
become your eternal spring.

May His majesty you behold,
with all dignity and honor
may the fullness of His truth
glorify His heavenly Father.

May the wonder of His grace,
reveal its magnificence in you
may the gratefulness you feel
be in all you say and do.

Let Christmas' true meaning,
bring your Savior near today
may you see the need for Him
today . . . and every day.
John 1:14
King James Version 

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt
among us, (and we beheld his glory, 
the glory as of the only begotten of 
the Father,) full of grace and truth."

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Listen to the bells

Listen to the bells

Listen to the bells - it’s Christmas Morning!
Listen to the tale they tell, a new day dawning,
Listen as they ring the Christmas Story - 
Listen as they welcome in the newborn King of Glory.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells - how they’re ringing!
Listen - and you’ll hear the sound of angel voices singing.
Listen to the wind - it’s softly sighing,
Listen - and you’ll hear a tiny newborn baby crying.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells, a mother sleeping.
Can you see the shepherds round the doorway shyly peeping?
Can you see the babe - He knows no danger,
Cradled with the cattle, sleeping safely in His manger.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells - a death-knell warning 
Premonition of a different morning.
Christmas Bells foretell the day He went to Glory -
Taking all my sins away, the Easter Story.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells, forever ringing -
Echo down two thousand years of people gladly singing.
Listen to the bells, His Glory praising.
Come and join our worship now, your joyful voices raising -
Listen! Listen to the bells!

In Jesus' Name

In Jesus' Name

Dear Lord and Savior, hear my plea.
It's all of you and not of me.
Forgive me for the wrong I've done
and all my past I can't outrun.

Until I learn, do what it takes
to chasten me for my mistakes.
Please humble me so I can't brag,
for I am just one filthy rag.

Please help the ones I've sinned against.
I'll make amends. I'll recompense.
You love the world so I can live.
I thank you Lord that You forgive.

Please help me not to money love,
but focus there on You above.
Please give me faith that's ever true.
Please help me love forever You.

Please give me strength to do your will
and heed Your Word 'til breath is still.
Please help the sick and heal the lame.
I pray this all in Jesus' name.


Monday, December 17, 2018

The Hay Ride

Hay Ride

Goliath horses paired ahead
were harnessed tight in Christmas red.
They breathed out puffs of cloudy steam.
Excitement made the children scream.

My father lifted me on board.
A seat of straw was our reward.
The chilly air, the mountain peaks
brought smiles to our rosy cheeks.

Anticipation of the ride
had brought me goosebumps deep inside,
but air was frigid, maybe that
had made me pull down tight, my hat.

Afford, dad couldn't, warmer clothes.
Inside my boots were frozen toes.
I wiggled them as best I could.
I hugged my mom. She understood.

It seemed too thick and seemed too wide
when scarf, around my neck, was tied.
My mittens too, were very thin.
but knew that soon, we would begin.

There were, on board, a lot of folks,
(while most were quiet, some told jokes),
yet there was room for ev'ryone
and with a jerk, we had begun.

With bumpy trail, I held on tight
with bushes veiled in frosty white.
As trees held high their snowy limbs,
in 'a cappella' we sang hymns.

With Christmas carols, young and old
had all ignored the bitter cold.
As we rode through the dips and swells
our voices chimed with harness bells.

The wagon groaned with heavy heart,
I thought it might just fall apart.
But it did not. It never broke.
That wagon floor was solid oak.

Between those boards as we passed by
were horse hoof tracks that caught my eye
and puffs of grass above the snow
caressed the floor boards down below.

The snowy paths, those horses knew.
God's countryside held quite a view.
The sun went down. I saw the stars.
Our praise was His. His eve was ours.

Like life, the path was very rough -
and straw was not the softest stuff,
but through our love, much fun we had
with brother, sister, mom and dad.

The celebration of Christ's birth
was perfect as His life on earth -
from star above His manger bed
to thorns upon His grieving head.

It brought us joy and we had fun.
Too quickly though, the ride was done.
We couldn't stay. We had to leave,
but I found Christ that Christmas Eve.

Friday, December 14, 2018

A Christmas Thought

A Christmas Thought

of music, friendships sworn to last;
Of stories, presents, songs and rhymes,
and hopeful thoughts of future times -- 

These all conspire to contradict
the seeming lack of Christmas script;
the absent smiles, the hectic pace,
The angst of now forgotten grace.

They linger in my memory -- 
A vague remembrance of the mirth; 
But mirth with depth, and faithful friends
Whose love portrayed their priceless worth. 

Those memories of Christmas past
Were always filled with lights and sounds
Of music, joy, and images
of Christ whose grace could know no bounds.

But now it seems that these are gone:
heartfelt prayers of real concern,
Scents and colors of the trees,
the warmth and glow when candles burn. 

There's little music now, it seems,
Reminding us of manger scenes,
An angel with his clarion call:
"A Savior's born, God's gift to all."

Be not deceived by missing signs
of Jesus' birth amid the fray
Of hurried shoppers, harried crowds
and everyone who's lost their way.

The angel's call is clear and true:
"The Savior comes with life for you."
Grasp on to Him, accept His gift
And blessed you'll be with life anew!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My Lord Keeps a Record My Leord

My Lord Keeps a Record

What a wonderful beautiful picture I have,                           
Of a place without sorrow or fear.
And I'm going to live in that city someday,
For my days are all numbered down here.
My Lord (yes my Lord) keeps a record, (keeps a record)
Of the moments I'm living down here. (living down here)
He knows (yes He knows) all about me, (all about me)
All my troubles, my sorrows, my fears. (all of my fears)
I'm living (yes I do) each moment, (every moment)
Through the mercy of God's loving grace. (God's loving grace)
Someday (yes someday) He will call me, (He will call me)
To that wonderful beautiful marvelous place.
I want to be doing the will of my Lord,
As I travel this wearisome land.
So I'll not be ashamed of my record up there,
When I stand at the Savior's right hand.
My Lord (yes my Lord) keeps a record, (keeps a record)
Of the moments I'm living down here. (living down here)
He knows (yes He knows) all about me, (all about me)
All my troubles, my sorrows, my fears. (all of my fears)
I'm living (yes I do) each moment, (every moment)
Through the mercy of God's loving grace. (God's loving grace)
Someday (yes someday) He will call me, (He will call me)
To that wonderful beautiful marvelous place...

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A Miracle Ride

A Miracle Ride

Two sisters wanted to go to the mall.
Dad said, "Go, but don't stay late.
You know, there's much crime going on,
So just try to come home before eight.

The two sisters shopped and shopped,
Unaware of the passing of time.
When the mall closed, they were afraid,
Considering the big wave of crime.

They looked out and saw that their car
Was the last one in that parking lot.
They ran to the car very quickly,
But alone? No, they certainly were not.

Behind them there ran two evil men.
"You're not going anywhere!" one yelled.
They jumped in the car and locked it.
They tried to start the car, but failed.

The two men banged on the car windows,
And they pulled the door handles too.
The sisters held hands, and they prayed.
Then the car engine started like new.

One sister quickly drove to their home.
She drove as fast as she could speed.
Into the garage, she drove that car
And locked the garage quickly, indeed.

Their dad was waiting inside for them.
Into his waiting arms, they quickly ran.
"I have been praying for you girls!
I have really been a worried man!"

They told their dad the whole story.
He said, "I will check under the hood
To find out why the car didn't start
The first time the way it should."

When their dad checked under the hood,
He began to shake and nod his head.
"There is no sign of a battery here!
Angels brought you home!" he said.

Christmas TIme

Christmas TIme

Yes, Christmas is the time,
Where little boys and girls.
Will finally receive,
Long sought for special toys.

A time when moms,
Bake cakes and pies.
When folks will gather,
Of renewing family ties.

And ones who rarely smile,
Have grins upon their face.
Those who always hurry by,
Have greetings in there place,

They don't even comprehend, 
They say, "tis the season",
GO on their merry way,
And never know the reason.

I wonder why that is,
Why all that "peace on earth"
It started in a stable,
With a virgin giving birth.

It's a love I can't explain,
I will not even try.
That God would send his son,
Born - just to die.

But isn't it ironical,
though Him no honor pay,
The world spends its millions
To Celebrate His day!

Monday, December 10, 2018

God's Christmas Lamp

God's Christmas Lamp

  While Christmas lamps adorn our homes and streets
And spread across the land their cheerful light,
Another light shines out across the years and treats
Us to the view from Heaven’s lofty height.
Christ is God’s light; so everyone can see
What’s going on inside the human soul"
A controversial plan, we all agree,
As he reveals who really has control.
The light of Jesus’ life reveals to us
God’s wisdom, righteousness and glorious grace;
And whether we have been rebellious
Or faithful members of the human race.
We love the beauty of your light, O Lord;
May we reflect your light into the world.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas Tears

Christmas Tears

I wonder if God cried when 
He sent us his only son,
His most precious gift to offer
All of us with love.

Did a tear trickled down 
His precious holy cheek
When he handed us his little boy
Did he then begin to weep?

I wonder if he cried when 
Jesus was rejected.
Did his lips turn downward?
Was his heart broken and dejected?

For he'd given us his all,
His ultimate sacrifice,
Sending us his only child,
Were God's tears a surprise?

Christmas is a happy time
For all of those we see
But for the Heavenly Father
Maybe this could not be!

How he must have wept
Over his little boy who'd die.
His life,vanished in the wind.
Christmas had to make him cry!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

You Never Walk alone

Are you walking through a lonely road?
Tired of its twists and bends
Are you weighed down by a heavy load?
And searching for a true friend

Do you sometimes wonder and ask?
Why things happened as they did
Does it seem now a heavy task?
To be faithful in word and deed

There's no need to walk alone
When on Christ you can call
He'll stay with you through the horizons
And keep you strong and standing tall

Jesus Christ is a faithful friend
He cares and will your burdens share
A friend whose love knows no end
Call on Him today sincerely in prayer.

All the Angels Sang

All the Angels Sang

Jesus came to be our savior,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Came to bring us Heaven’s favor,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Born to open Heaven’s treasure,
Key to God’s holiness for all time.
Jesus is the Father’s pleasure,
Sent to us with love and joy sublime.

Jesus came to live among us,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Showed us faith both true and joyous,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Taught and lived God’s good commandments,
Never once sinned at all in his life.
Jesus offers us repentance,
Gave himself for our eternal life.

Jesus came to make us holy,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Came to save us, meek and lowly,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Guides us to Christ-like behavior,
Puts his love for the world in our soul.
Jesus Christ our only savior,
Takes away our sin and makes us whole.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

How many ?

How Many?

How many makers
Have poured out their heart
To win back a world
That was theirs from the start

How many soldiers
Have entered the fray
Assured of their lives
Being taken that day

How many captains
Demand of their men
To lay down their lives
And then raise them again

How many a king
With servants to send
Would serve them himself
And then call them his friend

How many judges
Would justly condemn
Then lay down their lives 
A ransom for them

How many preachers
Who serve in their churches
Would give up position 
Or pomp in their perches

How many leaders 
Let themselves be led
And speak what they hear
So that others are fed

How many teachers
Illustrate by their walk
The things they instruct
Or the lessons they’ve taught

How many lords 
Have invited the grave
Loved life not to death
In order to save

How many saviors
Have counted the cost
Redeeming the world
Through death on a cross

Share now the tally
I count only one
The gift of our God 
In Jesus, His son

Sunday, December 2, 2018

A Nation Divided

A Nation Divided

"Anti" this and "Anti" that;
This is where America's at.
"We the People" are divided;
A land that's no more united.

Some say we can have an effect,
If we are politic'ly correct.
Whatever we say or do depends
On whether or not it offends.

We've been given "Freedom of Speech";
It's meaning seems diff'rent for each.
When things opposed end in protest,
Most times, it brings about unrest.

Respect the Red, White, and the Blue;
Honoring those in power, too.
When peace prevails by doing right,
It's acceptable in God's sight.

May we seek God and humbly pray,
That we might live to see the day,
When "In God We Trust" is as before,
And we are united once more.

Saturday, December 1, 2018




On a silent, holy night
Came Him who is Love and Light
He who was in a manger born
Is Jesus Christ - God's Son.

He brought peace, joy, and love
Showering men with grace from above
He came to teach us how to live
And how blessed it is to give.

So as we celebrate His birth
This is what I sincerely pray:
That Christ will rule in your heart
May you know Him better each day.

I pray you always remember
Every day of this December
That Jesus Christ is the reason,
The reason for the season.
And the angel said unto them, fear not: for behold,I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2 vs 10-11(KJV)

Friday, November 30, 2018

Now That Is Peace

Now That Is Peace

Small snowflakes float on easy breeze -
without an effort, find the trees.
Now that is peace.

They rest upon the solid branch,
upon the roof of humble ranch.
Now that is peace.

They settle on a rail fence
without a thought, without suspense.
Now that is peace.

They blanket softly, all around,
upon the leaves upon the ground.
Now that is peace.

The Christmas snow reflects all light
from its decor with such delight.
Now that is peace.

More snowflakes settle. They're unheard -
as Heaven speaks without a word.
Now that is peace.

The stars above, they sparkle too -
a gift from God, to me, to you.
Now that is peace.

Without the pomp and circumstance,
the scenic beauty is romance.
Now that is peace.

A babe in manger once was born -
without the fanfare, without horn.
Now that is peace.

Through virgin love, through virgin birth -
A blanket grace for all on earth.
Now that is peace. 

So why this blanket when it snows?
So why this gift? The Christian knows.
Now that is peace.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Christmas Thought

A Christmas Thought

The memories of Christmas past,
of music, friendships sworn to last;
Of stories, presents, songs and rhymes,
and hopeful thoughts of future times -- 

These all conspire to contradict
the seeming lack of Christmas script;
the absent smiles, the hectic pace,
The angst of now forgotten grace.

They linger in my memory -- 
A vague remembrance of the mirth; 
But mirth with depth, and faithful friends
Whose love portrayed their priceless worth. 

Those memories of Christmas past
Were always filled with lights and sounds
Of music, joy, and images
of Christ whose grace could know no bounds.

But now it seems that these are gone:
heartfelt prayers of real concern,
Scents and colors of the trees,
the warmth and glow when candles burn. 

There's little music now, it seems,
Reminding us of manger scenes,
An angel with his clarion call:
"A Savior's born, God's gift to all."

Be not deceived by missing signs
of Jesus' birth amid the fray
Of hurried shoppers, harried crowds
and everyone who's lost their way.

The angel's call is clear and true:
"The Savior comes with life for you."
Grasp on to Him, accept His gift
And blessed you'll be with life anew!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Night Before Christmas

The Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,

in a one bedroom house made of plaster and stone.
I had come down the chimney with presents to give
and to see just who in this home did live.
As I looked all about, a strange sight did I did see...
No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand.
On the wall hung pictures of a far distant land.
With medals and badges, awards of all kind,
a sobering thought soon came to my mind.
For this house was different, unlike any I'd seen.
This was the home of a U.S. Marine.
I'd heard stories about them, I had to see more,
so I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.
And there he lay sleeping, silent, alone.
Curled up on the floor of his one bedroom home.
He seemed so gentle, his face so serene.
Not how I pictured a U.S. Marine.
Was this the hero of whom I'd just read?
Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?
His head was clean shaven, his face weathered tan.
I soon understood this was more than a man.
For I realized the families that I saw that night,
owed their lives to these men, who were willing to fight.
Soon around the nation, the children would play,
and grown-ups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom, each month and all year,
because of Marines like this one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder how many lay alone,
on a cold Christmas eve in a land far from home.
Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye.
I dropped to my knees and I started to cry.
He must have awoken, for I heard a rough voice,
"Santa, don't cry. This is my choice.
I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more.
My life is my God, my Country, my Corps."
With that he rolled over, drifted off into sleep.
I couldn't control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent and still.
I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.
So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
and covered this Marine from his toes to his head.
Then I put on his T-shirt of scarlet and gold,
with an eagle, globe and anchor emblazoned so bold.
And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
and for one shining moment, I was Marine Corps deep inside.
I didn't want to leave him, so quiet in the night,
this guardian of honor so willing to fight.
But half asleep he rolled over, and in a voice clean and pure, said,
"Carry on Santa. It's Christmas Day, all secure."
One look at my watch and I knew he was right.
Merry Christmas my friend, Semper Fi, and goodnight

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Do Not Touch

Do Not Touch

Life is about do's and don'ts
And oh how I wish I had
Then tears fall hopelessly
Makes a heart heavy and sad.

We worry then fret the future
But God planned the now
Even the worst of sinners
Will fall before Him and bow.

Do not touch the worry
For one thing that is certain
God has written every line
Of the story behind the curtain.

Gentle laughter fills the air
Where sorrow cannot be found
Inexplicable joy will come
Embracing without a sound.

A lake of endless wonder
Our tears have set the stage
Your story pours from His heart
People gather of every age.

Do not touch the worry
Before you loved ones stand
God the Father invited them
See the ticket in their hand?

The curtain begins to open
Then every eye you meet
Stunned by the knowledge
That God had saved their seat.

Now the standing ovation
He loves us oh so much
His words speaking tenderly
The worry, "Do Not Touch."

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Mighty One, The

Mighty One, The

I sit and stare at water there,
beyond the palm where lake is calm
and try to write the words I'm thinking of.
But often times my words lack rhymes
as fingers shake and pencils break
while making sense of Christ's most precious love.

I don't know why I often cry
at such a price of sacrifice.
Though innocent, the Man of God obeyed.
With no remorse, He stayed the course
and took the tip of wicked whip,
then carried cross because He was betrayed.

He didn't quit. He carried it
without restraint, without complaint,
up rugged path to hill where all would be.
And without fail, He took a nail -
another one. They still weren't done...
And then was raised for all the world to see.

The pain was such it mattered much
and time was short for His escort -
those angels waiting anxiously to aid.
For all along, ten thousand strong 
were in His care and waiting there.
But it would be His call was never made.

From cross He heard another's word -
another soul that He made whole.
It mattered not, the next cross he was from.
So it would be that grace was free
if we believe and always cleave
to Him who knows our hearts and wants to come.

So much unsaid with Jesus dead.
Though buried deep, they couldn't keep
our Savior from yet one more miracle.
So off His toes, He then arose
despite our sin to live again -
above the clouds. This wasn't typical.

I pictured sky in my mind's eye
and watched in awe at what I saw
and still envision how it all could be.
As I look back at all the flack
that Jesus took in God's Good Book
I just can't understand His love for me.

My stare is blank at water's bank,
beyond the fog I see a bog
as I forget all that I'm thinking of.
Now as before I tremble more.
In any case, I now erase
my empty words of Christ's most precious love.

My words are wrong. They don't belong.
My ev'ry word just seems absurd!
They don't do justice for all He has done!
Thoughts disappear. I shed a tear -
and say a prayer that isn't fair -
from little me - to God, the Mighty One

Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Far Better Place

A Far Better Place

We're on our way to a far better place
Where we'll see Jesus Christ face to Face,
Bridegroom and bride, united at last
Will walk hand in hand on streets clear as glass.

Surrounded by walls of transparent gold
We'll behold wonders as yet untold
While thousands 'pon thousands of angels will sing
Praises of joy to the queen and the King.

Heavenward, homeward bound are we
To a place where we will be free
From suffering, toil, heartache and sin;
Meeting again our old friends and kin.

Love and peace and joy will flow,
Over all this God's glory will glow;
Sweet communion between bride and Groom -
Oh, dear Jesus, may that Day come soon!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

This table, set with centerpiece,
fine china, silverware -
has food prepared deliciously
with tender loving care.
With hungry eye, I relish this -
this meal, my daily bread -
then fold my hands and bow my head
before my prayer is said.

I do recite it quick and slurred,
though with the best intent -
and now that grace is said and heard,
it is a blessed event.
The phrases I was taught to say
were pressed down deep in me -
but words are empty without thoughts
of pure sincerity.

Yes, just before I eat, I pray,
but there's a place so crude
which moves me closer to the truth -
that others have no food.
It haunts me as I look around, the
visions of the starved -
who wide-eyed blankly stare at me
behind my turkey, carved.

I see their bloated tummies and
the flies around their eyes.
I hear soft moans from babies lips,
and echoes of their cries.
I taste the mush that they call food.
It lingers on my breath.
I feel the tears start down my cheeks.
I smell the stench of death.

I hesitate with my first bite,
then ask myself, "Do I
really care they're teary eyed
and hungry 'til they die?"
I pray that all the "least of these"
are eating well in Heav'n.
Please help me Lord, to understand
the blessings I was giv'n.

So now when I recite my prayer,
as I sit down to feast,
I ask myself if I'm sincere
and thankful in the least.
For that's when I can hear my voice
ascending to His ear.
He knows if I speak empty words
or if I am sincere.