Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Total Surrender

Total Surrender

Total surrender,
God wants it all
everything you have
nothing is too small.

You must give Him,
all of your heart
He wants it in whole
even the smallest part.

Total surrender,
God wants to see
how much you want
to with Him ~ be.

You need to submit,
to His perfect will
you must be willing
to wait and be still.

Total surrender,
God wants to know
how much you want
to in Him ~ grow.

You have to let go,
of your selfish desires
you must be ready
to do all He requires.

Total surrender,
God wants all of you
but you have to want
all of Him too!
Romans 12:1
King James Version 

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by 
the mercies of God, that ye present 
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, 
acceptable unto God, which is your 
reasonable service."