Friday, March 24, 2017

Defined by grace

Defined by grace

When I am frightened and my insecurity shows,
I pray You will surround me and hold me close.
When I am feeling defeated and at a loss,
I pray You open my eyes to see the cross.
When I try to do it on my own,
I pray You will remind me to kneel before Your throne.
And when I seem unwilling to hear
I pray Your words find their way to my unfaithful ear.

May I hear Your whispering voice,
through the deafening sounds of worldly noise:

"I saw you try to do it on your own,
but there is no need to struggle all alone.
I will hold you, as you lean against my chest.
Don't resist, just have a rest.
Tell me your worries, no need to be eloquent or clear.
I will understand and wipe away every escaping tear.
Remember, your worth is not measured by earthly praise.
My dear child, you are defined by holy grace.”