Sunday, November 19, 2017

Lord, We Give You Thanks...

Lord, We Give You Thanks...

Lord, we give You thanks, for the bounty of this land,
As you have touched the earth, with the power of Your hand,
Causing grain to flourish, giving forth our daily bread,
Love's provision for Your children, that we are always fed.

Lord, we give You thanks, for the fruit of the tree,
Whose seed is in itself; a wondrous mystery of Thee...
And for the horn of plenty, overflowing from the fields,
The fatness of the earth, and the harvest that it yields.

Lord, we give You thanks, for the sun that's in the sky,
For the seasons of the moon, and the dew that falls from high.
For the hills watered from Your chambers, as You satisfy the earth, 
Then send forth Your warmth, to nourish its rebirth.

Lord, how great are your works! In wisdom You made all,
To heed Your mighty voice, and hearken to Your call.
We praise You Precious Father, today and every day!
Please bless our time together, as we bow our heads and pray.

Lord, we give You thanks, for our family and our friends,
As we gather in Your Name, please help us comprehend,
That every good and perfect gift, is from Your Throne Above,
That we may see Your glory, and be nourished by Your Love!