Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Everyday is Thanksgiving

Everyday is Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a special day we celebrate each year
When friends and family meet and gather especially near

A day of remembrance for the blessings we've received
A day for thanking the Almighty one in whom we believe

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated at Plymouth Rock
When the Pilgrims made a feast from their meager stock

And took the time to thank God for seeing them through thus far
And I'm sure they thanked Him for heaven and earth and His guiding stars

They had survived many a hardship over their first year
And thought it time to celebrate with merriment and cheer

They knew that God was the source of all of their good fortune
And that they must give thanks for all the blessings they had gotten

So once a year we celebrate Thanksgiving Day so dear
But really we should celebrate each and every day of the year

For God so richly blesses us each and every day of our lives
If not for him, not only would we not survive, we would never thrive

So each day when you rise to greet the morning sun
Have yourself a Thanksgiving Day for all that God hath done