Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Invitation . .

The Invitation . . 

There is an invitation,
I would like to give to you
a special request . . .
that I think you should do.

I want to appeal to you,
to come and meet my Friend
He is someone you will like
if time with Him ~ you'll spend.

He is as gentle, as He is kind,
He is meek ~ yet very strong
He is the kind of companion
you'll always want to take along.

He will never disappoint you,
or turn His back on you
with Him all things are possible
there isn't anything He can't do.

His love is unconditional,
for it's full of mercy and grace
there is no limit to the amount
that you choose to embrace.

I know He wants to meet you,
for He has placed you on my heart
and I know that it's your sin . . .
that's keeping, the two of you apart.

So, won't you accept my invitation,
to meet this Friend of mine
He is Jesus, my Lord and Savior
and I pray God's gift ~ you'll not decline!
Romans 6:23
King James Version

"For the wages of sin is death;
but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord."