Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Life is a Gift

Life is a Gift

Life is sometimes painful
Yet, life is surely a gift
Even when God allows this
For the evil one to sift.

I am feeling more than sifted
So tired, and just plain through
Thoughts rage through my mind
Wondering what I should do?

A monumental waste of time
To think that I had a plan
Well, plans vanish in the air
I can't, but my God can.

Thinking I had it covered
But there never was a chance
When blindsided recognition came
God engineers every circumstance.

Life is a gift from God
For He sends friends abound
Falling into a fitful sleep, yet
This morning the gift, I found.

They have gathered faithfully
As Christians remain so true
Life though fraught with pain, but
Their prayers flow, replenish, renew.

Thank you Lord for this gift
They came to me this morn
Lifted a spirit feeling low
A heart heavy and forlorn.

Life is a gift from God
Now another day is here
Thank you for these precious ones
That came to bring good cheer.