Thursday, August 31, 2017

You Never Walk Alone

You Never Walk Alone

You never walk alone, 
in this life you live; 
You never walk alone 
for God will surely give; 
All the love that you need 
to live a life of peace, 
And the blessings of the 
Lord will surely never cease. 

You never walk alone 
as on through life you trod; 
You never walk alone 
for you are a child of God. 
You are precious to your savior, 
your master and your King, 
And for the love he gives to you 
your heart will surely sing! 

You never walk alone 
even when death is at the door, 
For Christ will surely guide you 
safely to his kingdoms shore; 
And in this kingdom you will dwell 
in the masters care, 
And all the glory that is his 
you will surely share. 

So please remember as you live 
and walk upon this earth; 
You've never walked alone 
even from your day of birth; 
For christ has always been by your side 
taking care of you. 
And if you'll look back over your life 
I'm sure you'll find its true. 
You never walk alone!