Tuesday, June 6, 2017



This mighty flower stands above
All others of the field.
I wonder what they’re thinking of
As majesty’s revealed.

She seeks her glory from the sun
And casts her shadow’s snare.
She sways and dances just for fun
With elegance and flare.

For she is praising God on high
For bright and sunny days.
She strains to reach and touch the sky
With petals all ablaze.

With all the glory she has known
And eminent renown,
No one can ever take her throne
Or reach her golden crown.

But shorter, cooler days descend
And chilly nights prevail;
Her mighty stem begins to bend,
Her color starts to pale.

The payment’s due on glory’s loan;
A full and heavy pod.
She prays her life has clearly shown,
She owes her all to God.

This mighty flower bows her head
And stands in heaven’s shroud.
What’s left of pride is being shed
As she has humbly bowed.
Proverbs 14:34, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."