Sunday, June 4, 2017

Faith of the Four

 Faith of the Four

The bible relates a story
Of four men who felt impelled,
To take a sick man to Jesus
In faith he could be made well.

The facts of the story are clear
But missing are the details.
So we can only imagine
What else the story entails.

Did one of the four men decide
To place sandals in his pack,
Believing the man would need them
Walking the road coming back?

Did the second man determine
He may need some extra cash,
In case of the unexpected
And fasten it in his sash?

And the third man was he thinking
Of the danger of that day,
Securing a knife on his side
Traveling along the way?

Consider the fourth man praying
To God with all his soul,
Strengthening his faith in believing
Jesus would make the man whole.

Seeing the crowds did they lose faith?
Their actions would be the proof.
They climbed to the top of the house
With the knife dug up the roof.

Lowering their friend at Jesus’ feet
Their faith was soon rewarded.
Jesus forgave the man of his sins
And his new life was started.

Commanding him to take up his mat
The paralyzed man stood tall,
Praising God in his amazement
Rejoicing before them all.

Told to go home did the healed man
Put the sandals on with care?
And did they give the homeowner
Money for the roof’s repair?

And at home was his mother praying
God’s hand on the son she bore,
Then before her eyes prayers answered
As five walk in through the door?

We may not know the true details
Of the four and the healed man,
Until we meet them in heaven
And hear their stories first-hand.