Tuesday, August 23, 2016

In Your Heart

In Your Heart

The winds push clouds across the sky,
the winds too clear to view.
Results, I see, but not the wind -
so tell me, is wind true?

I stumbled and I dropped a shoe,
then dropped my other shoe.
And no, I can't see gravity -
so tell me, is it true?

The thunder rumbled through the sky.
It scared both goat and ewe.
Though loud, I can't see thundering -
so tell me, is it true?

I memorized math tables that
began with 'two plus two'.
I cannot see equations though,
so tell me, are they true?

The fragrances from flowers seem
to greet my nose as glue.
But I can't see the fragrances -
so tell me, are they true?

The coffee flavors? Plentiful.
I taste a special brew.
But I can't see what I can taste,
so tell me, are they true?

A special feeling, special love,
for children and for you.
But once again, I can't see love -
so tell me, is it true?

Creation is spectacular.
It's Heaven's sneak preview.
But once again, I can't see God -
so tell me, is He true?

The physical and spiritual
seem much too far apart,
but you will know that it's all true
when God is in your heart.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless