Saturday, August 27, 2016

Our Prayers Make a Difference

Our Prayers Make a Difference

When our prayers,
get no response . . .
in prayer we need
to remain ensconced.

When mustn't give up,
or from prayer bail out
they'll make a difference
if we have no doubt.

We cannot lose heart,
in prayer we must persist
then fear and worry
we'll be able to resist.

We mustn't be weary,
or faint in our prayers
we need to remember
Jesus wants our cares.

When with our prayers,
God is slow to respond
expect an answer . . .
though it may be prolonged!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Luke 18:1

"And he spake a parable
unto them to this end,
that men ought always
to pray, and not to faint;"

King James Version
By Public Domain