Thursday, May 26, 2016

Known But to God

Known But to God

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
A dad made a visit with his son.
Today it was Memorial Day,
And a service had just begun.

The President placed a wreath
At the unknown soldier's tomb.
Everyone was very still and quiet.
The son thought, "Why such gloom?"

"Dad, to see an unknown soldier's tomb,
Why did we have to travel so far?"
"Son, we honor all our dead heroes,
Even though we don't know who they are."

"Known but to God," my dear child,
On the soldier's tomb, it says that,
Because God knows the name of each.
It could be Bill, Jim, Sam, or Matt."

Asked the son, "How about me, Dad?
Can I be hero soldier too?"
"Yes, Son, you can be a soldier
Known to God, a Christian soldier true!"

Jan Bagwell
God Bless