Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I Thank You, Lord"

I Thank You, Lord"

I thank You for the blessings
You give to me each day.
They fill my life with abundant joy
More than words can say!

I thank You for my growing faith
And the trials I've made it through.
I'm victorious and am made complete
Because of only You!

I thank You for the many times
You carry me through my strife.
I long for, with each passing day,
Your presence in my life!

I thank You for Your only Son
Who died and set me free.
I marvel at the fact that You
Think so much of me!

I thank You for Your tolerance
And a love that never ends.
How glad I am that You are both
My Savior and my Friend!

I thank You for the Holy Word
That's powerful and true!
It's the Plan You made and a gift
That keeps me close to You!

I thank You for Your gentleness
And desire to draw me near.
When You embrace me in Your arms
I lose all doubt and fear!

But most of all I thank You, Lord
Because You're God and King!
I'll praise You till the day I die;
My heart will forever sing;

I Thank You, Lord!!!!!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless