Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Beauty of Night

Beauty of Night

A bright full moon on a quiet night,
I stand in awe, under its light.
As I tilt my head back and gaze up above,
I see diamonds of light sprinkled in love.

The warmth of the day still lingers around,
In the peace of the night, I hear many a sound…
It's the crickets and night birds singing a tune,
They too, rejoice, under the silvery moon.

The trees seem glorious, so majestic and tall,
Silhouetted in moonlight, and the peace of it all.
It's a wondrous thing, the beauty of night,
Daylight's asleep, blanketed from sight.

As the day settles down all over the land,
I stand under the stars and ponder God's plan.
When I look to the heavens, I am truly amazed,
God gave us such beauty to add joy to our days…

And when the sun goes down, giving way to night,
It's two different worlds I can have in my sight,
As the hurriedness of life in the light of the day,
Fades to peace and serenity, I quietly pray…

Father I thank you for the beauty of night,
In the midst of the darkness, I can still see your Light,
Displayed by your faithfulness, confirmed by your love,
In the Celestial Glory of the Heavens Above!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !