Monday, May 9, 2016

Hearts on Fire

Hearts on Fire

Glory, glory to God on High
Lord of the mountains; El-Shaddai
Righteous One thund'ring through space
Savior of the human race.

Honor and glory belongs to Him
He is worthy; He is our King.
Jehovah-Rohi; Shepherd and Rock
Protecting; guiding His well-loved flock.

Come all the Earth; praise El-Olam
God Everlasting; Radiant One
Mounted; riding the cherubim;
Worshiped by six-winged seraphim.

Let's lift our voices in sincere love;
Let us sing love songs to God's Lamb Above;
Joining the angelic host's mighty choir
With clean hands and soft hearts on fire.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!